We’re So Glad You’re Here!

Here’s everything you need to know before your first visit to Cornerstone Baptist Church:

What is a Church Service like?

Cornerstone exists to inspire people to live with the compassion and wisdom of Jesus. Each week offers authentic worship, biblical teachings relevant to daily life, and engaging programs for children. Whether you grew up in church or are visiting for the first time, you’ll feel welcomed, uplifted, and empowered spiritually.

What is Your Worship Music Like?

Cornerstone acknowledges that worship is more than just music. Worship is pursuing the heart of God in song and Bible study and silence and prayer and dedication and giving and seeking and serving and showing and longing and loving and waiting and going… Our worship services are simply a time when we can do that together, but worship happens constantly for those that follow Christ.

Musically, we have singers, guitars, keyboards, drums, percussion and a piano. Our musical styles range from sacred hymns to the latest worship songs you hear on Christian radio.

How is the Teaching?

Our preaching is expository and gospel-centered…straight from the Bible. We focus on relaying what the Bible says in each passage, while connecting it to the overarching biblical narrative. Our aim is for people to leave with practical steps to grow in their faith, keeping Jesus at the heart of the message. Our mission is to help you seek Christ, serve Christ, and share Christ!

What about my kids?

Cornerstone aims to introduce children to Jesus and also foster friendships. Each week, kids will explore the Bible to learn about Jesus, the Gospel, and God’s unconditional love. Through engaging lessons, activities, and worship, we strive to help every child gain an understanding of the gospel message.

What version of the Bible do you use?

Pastor Tree loves preaching from the original Greek, but most of the time he uses the New American Standard Version. We often use the King James, or Holman Christian.

Why does Tree preach with his shoes off?

When Moses comes up to God at the burning bush, God told him to remove his sandals – because he is on holy ground. Tree takes his shoes off to remind himself of the holiness and importance of the Word of God.